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Shakespeare said it most famously, but it’s a theme we teach each other and say to ourselves all the time: “to thine own self be true.”

So I find it strange that, at a time when I thought I’ve been truer to myself than ever before, I suddenly feel very untrue in a specific area: my work life.

I feel like I grew up into my last work life. It was my first real job, and I was there for over five years. It was like a family in a lot of ways. They all knew me, and I was promoted up and up because they wanted me, and wanted me to succeed. Now, at a new job, I find myself missing the easy acceptance that comes from years of knowing each other, and I find myself struggling to define me, and I’m struggling to avoid defining myself in a gendered way.

Here’s what I mean: I tend to wear my heart on my sleeve. If I’m happy, it shows, if I’m stressed, it shows. It all shows. But I worry that if my leadership style is too emotional–that it will seem “girly” and “weak.” So, I’ve been trying (mostly in vain) to put on the “strong” face and not show when I’m stressed or don’t have the answers. But then I think…am I trying to adopt a “masculine” style of leadership that’s just not me?

But after having thought about it very hard for a few days, I’ve decided this: leadership is not about enacting “male” or “female” leadership styles. It’s just about leading in the way you, as an individual, lead best. For me, being honest in leadership  means some transparency about when I need help from my team and when I don’t have an answer at the moment. But at the same time, sometimes, adopting other leadership styles can be helpful. Faking courage is maybe almost the same as courage, I think. Sometimes there are situations where I’m terrified because I haven’t yet handled the problem that I’m now faced with. Breaking down isn’t an option. So I have to stay calm and calm everyone else. Say, “I’ve got this,” even when I have no idea what the next step is. But arrogance and bravado is not my style, and I’m not about to become that kind of leader.

So what about you? How are you true to yourself at work or in other situations?